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Other projects: GPS Finder | One-LED clock for people with limited vision | GPS speedometer with setpoint and relay output
Download firmware
The current build is 0.18D, supporting the ATTINY84 or ATMEGA88, Motorola C168i, WAVECOM WMOD2, or Telic GC864, and the Vincotech A1035 or Aarlogic GPS 3A.
Build 0.17A is fine if you just want a tracker. Build 18D supports I/O and the ATMEGA88.
Right-click the file and choose Save As...
Note: if you are upgrading from build 0.14, you must change the phone configuration:
Message/Options/Memory Meter/Select SMS Memory/Phone First
Beta V0.19B source code in AVRASM2 format
V0.18D source code in AVRASM2 format
Intel hex firmware image, speed in MPH, altitude in feet
Intel hex firmware image, speed in KPH, altitude in feet
Intel hex firmware image, speed in KPH, altitude in meters
V0.17A source code in AVRASM2 format
To assemble from source, you need AVR Studio 4, available here:
Assembly command:
"C:\Program Files\Atmel\AVR Tools\AvrAssembler2\avrasm2.exe" -fI -l OPENGPS_017A.LST OPENGPS_017A.ASM
Perl program to download tracking logs
This program will download tracking logs from a POP3 account and generate a GPX or text file.
Run with no command line options for help. This version does not handle LAST GOOD FIX.